
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hair tips

Wash your hair every 2 days washing your hair everyday makes it's dry and removes color from your hair fast and makes the color fade. Also shampoo and conditioners from the drug storecontains very harsh chemicals called sulfates
Sulfates strip the hair of its natural oils
Using sulfates on your hair everyday could make your hair dry and brittle
You may also notice your scalp is flaky (its most likely not dandruff but dry scalp)
 REDKENS from the salons it's the best! 

SHAMPOO: Your hair 2 times in the shower and scrub your head still your arms hurt trust me lathering wont do it the job! 

CONDITIONER: The ENDS of your hair only!!! and comb threw the rest when you put conditioner on the top of your hair it ways down the hair when its dry and makes it greasy.

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