
Saturday, November 13, 2010

look how far we've come baby!

4 months and 3 weeks!!! I'm almost 5 months pregnant! And yes for everyone that wants to know...that whole 9 months is a joke... I'll be 10

months when I deliver !

This is about the time when it gets hard to breathe...the baby and his little home are pushing on all the internal organs...cramping my lung space a today when I had to walk to work- it felt like a hike! ha ha ha

Little baby is moving around right now...hee hee feels so fun. At first it feels like little bubbles in your stomach..then as they get bigger...and now the size that my lil cupcake feels like little poking that sometimes don't feel so great...I feel like I need to stretch up so he'll move his little leg or foot, so it's not poking in my ribs!

So me and little one will go try to cozy up in my "nest" of pillows and get comfy...and yes, I'll probably wake up 1-2 times and have to pee in the takes up lots of room, including bladder space!!!

Good Night Everyone!

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